The Annual General Meeting of the NSDAP, 2-3 September 1928 The Annual General Meeting of the NSDAP, 2-3 September 1928 Source: J. Noakes & G. Pridham, Documents on Nazism 1919-1945, (London, 1974), pp.85-86. ... Above all, Hitler notes the gradual penetration of the whole movement with the basic concepts of our ideas. He stresses primarily the gradual consolidation of the leadership principle [Fuehrerprinzip]. The movement can be proud of the fact that it is the only one based on a logical foundation. This was necessary in order to make up for our numerical minority by a maximum degree of inner discipline, stability, fighting power, in short, energy. ... ... The disintegration spreads slowly but surely; there is hardly any serious resistance. But anti-Semitism grows as an idea. What was hardly there ten years ago is there today: the Jewish question has been brought to people's notice, it will not disappear any more and we shall make sure that it becomes an international world question; we shall not let it rest until the question has been solved. We think we shall live to see that day (enthusiastic applause) . ... The chairman of the meeting, Gregor Strasser, expresses the mood of the meeting very well by remarking that any other party would now say that they had heard the reports of the chairman, whereas we National Socialists have heard the speech of the leader. And there is the same difference between the chairman of the old parties and the leader of the movement as there is between the report of a chairman of a party and the speech we have just heard. The party business is now quickly dealt with according to the regulations. First, 'the election of the statutory executive committee'. To the amusement of the audience, Strasser proposes NSDAP member Hitler as Chairman. He notes that he has been unanimously elected by a show of hands (laughter) . In the place of Comrade Schneider, who has been transferred by his employer away from the city, Comrade City Councillor Fiehler is elected Secretary in the same way. Also Reich treasurer Comrade Schwarz, who had 'resigned', is elected as first Treasurer, whereupon Strasser declares the acceptance of the election by the person nominated.